Kingdom: API Abuse

An API is a contract between a caller and a callee. The most common forms of API abuse are caused by the caller failing to honor its end of this contract. For example, if a program fails to call chdir() after calling chroot(), it violates the contract that specifies how to change the active root directory in a secure fashion. Another good example of library abuse is expecting the callee to return trustworthy DNS information to the caller. In this case, the caller abuses the callee API by making certain assumptions about its behavior (that the return value can be used for authentication purposes). One can also violate the caller-callee contract from the other side. For example, if a coder subclasses SecureRandom and returns a non-random value, the contract is violated.

Android Bad Practices: Use of File Scheme Cookies

The application allows cookies to be used for file:// protocol which may have undesirable security implications.
Cookies are strictly a HTTP mechanism as per RFC 2109. There should be no reasonable expectation for them to work for protocols other than HTTP, including file://. It is not clear what their behavior should be, and what rules of security compartmentalization should apply. For example, should HTML files downloaded to local disk from the Internet share the same cookies as any HTML code installed locally?
[1] Standards Mapping - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Indirect Access to Sensitive Data
[2] Standards Mapping - OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard 2.0 MASVS-CODE-4