45 items found
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

Example: A common reason that programmers use reflection technology is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a command dispatcher that does not use reflection:

var params:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
var ctl:String = String(params["ctl"]);
var ao:Worker;
if (ctl == "Add) {
ao = new AddCommand();
} else if (ctl == "Modify") {
ao = new ModifyCommand();
} else {
throw new UnknownActionError();

A programmer might refactor this code to use reflection as follows:

var params:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
var ctl:String = String(params["ctl"]);
var ao:Worker;
var cmdClass:Class = getDefinitionByName(ctl + "Command") as Class;
ao = new cmdClass();

The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher.

However, the refactoring allows an attacker to instantiate any object that implements the Worker interface. If the command dispatcher is still responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new class that implements the Worker interface, they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control code. If they fail to modify the access control code, then some Worker classes will not have any access control.

One way to address this access control problem is to make the Worker object responsible for performing the access control check. An example of the re-refactored code is as follows:

var params:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
var ctl:String = String(params["ctl"]);
var ao:Worker;
var cmdClass:Class = getDefinitionByName(ctl + "Command") as Class;
ao = new cmdClass();

Although this is an improvement, it encourages a decentralized approach to access control, which makes it easier for programmers to make access control mistakes.
Allowing unvalidated input to determine the callback method of a Continuation object could enable attackers to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the attacker might be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application. This might enable the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or possibly cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner.

Example: The following action method initiates an asynchronous request to an external Web service, and sets the continuationMethod property, which determines the name of method to be called when receiving a response.

public Object startRequest() {
Continuation con = new Continuation(40);

Map<String,String> params = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters();

if (params.containsKey('contMethod')) {
con.continuationMethod = params.get('contMethod');
} else {
con.continuationMethod = 'processResponse';

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
this.requestLabel = con.addHttpRequest(req);
return con;

This implementation allows the continuationMethod property to be set by runtime request parameters, which enables attackers to call any function that matches the name.
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

Example: Programmers often use reflection to implement command dispatchers. The following example shows a command dispatcher that does not utilize reflection:

Dim ctl As String
Dim ao As New Worker()
ctl = Request.Form("ctl")
If (String.Compare(ctl,"Add") = 0) Then
Else If (String.Compare(ctl,"Modify") = 0) Then
App.EventLog("No Action Found", 4)
End If

A programmer might refactor this code to use reflection as follows:

Dim ctl As String
Dim ao As New Worker()
ctl = Request.Form("ctl")
CallByName(ao, ctl, vbMethod, Request)

The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher.

However, the refactoring allows an attacker to invoke any method implemented by the Worker object. If the command dispatcher is responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new method in the Worker class, they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control logic. If this access control logic becomes stale, then some Worker methods will not have any access control.

One way to address this access control problem is to make the Worker object responsible for performing the access control check. An example of the re-refactored code is as follows:

Dim ctl As String
Dim ao As New Worker()
ctl = Request.Form("ctl")
If (ao.checkAccessControl(ctl,Request) = True) Then
CallByName(ao, "Do" & ctl & "Command", vbMethod, Request)
End If

Although this is an improvement, it encourages a decentralized approach to access control, which makes it easier for programmers to make access control mistakes.
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner.

This situation becomes a doomsday scenario if the attacker may upload files into a location that appears on the application's path or library path. Under either of these conditions, the attacker may use reflection to introduce new, presumably malicious, behavior into the application.
Example: A common reason that programmers use the reflection API is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a JNI command dispatcher that uses reflection to execute a Java method identified by a value read from a CGI request. This implementation allows an attacker to call any function defined in clazz.

char* ctl = getenv("ctl");
jmethodID mid = GetMethodID(clazz, ctl, sig);
status = CallIntMethod(env, clazz, mid, JAVA_ARGS);
Interpreting user-controlled instructions at runtime can enable attackers to execute malicious code.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which method to invoke or which field value to retrieve, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector might enable the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner.

Example 1: In this example, the application retrieves the name of a function to be called from a command-line argument.

func beforeExampleCallback(scope *Scope){
input := os.Args[1]
if input{
Example 2: Similar to previous example, the application uses the reflect package to retrieve the name of a function to be called from a command-line argument.

input := os.Args[1]
var worker WokerType
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

This situation becomes a doomsday scenario if the attacker may upload files into a location that appears on the application's classpath or add new entries to the application's classpath. Under either of these conditions, the attacker may use reflection to introduce new, presumably malicious, behavior into the application.
Example: A common reason that programmers use the reflection API is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a command dispatcher that does not use reflection:

String ctl = request.getParameter("ctl");
Worker ao = null;
if (ctl.equals("Add")) {
ao = new AddCommand();
} else if (ctl.equals("Modify")) {
ao = new ModifyCommand();
} else {
throw new UnknownActionError();

A programmer might refactor this code to use reflection as follows:

String ctl = request.getParameter("ctl");
Class cmdClass = Class.forName(ctl + "Command");
Worker ao = (Worker) cmdClass.newInstance();

The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher.

However, the refactoring allows an attacker to instantiate any object that implements the Worker interface. If the command dispatcher is still responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new class that implements the Worker interface, they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control code. If they fail to modify the access control code, then some Worker classes will not have any access control.

One way to address this access control problem is to make the Worker object responsible for performing the access control check. An example of the re-refactored code is as follows:

String ctl = request.getParameter("ctl");
Class cmdClass = Class.forName(ctl + "Command");
Worker ao = (Worker) cmdClass.newInstance();

Although this is an improvement, it encourages a decentralized approach to access control, which makes it easier for programmers to make access control mistakes.

This code also highlights another security problem with using reflection to build a command dispatcher. An attacker may invoke the default constructor for any kind of object. In fact, the attacker is not even constrained to objects that implement the Worker interface; the default constructor for any object in the system can be invoked. If the object does not implement the Worker interface, a ClassCastException will be thrown before the assignment to ao, but if the constructor performs operations that work in the attacker's favor, the damage will have already been done. Although this scenario is relatively benign in simple applications, in larger applications where complexity grows exponentially it is not unreasonable to assume that an attacker could find a constructor to leverage as part of an attack.

Access checks may also be compromised further down the code execution chain, if certain Java APIs that perform tasks using the immediate caller's class loader check, are invoked on untrusted objects returned by reflection calls. These Java APIs bypass the SecurityManager check that ensures all callers in the execution chain have the requisite security permissions. Care should be taken to ensure these APIs are not invoked on the untrusted objects returned by reflection as they can bypass security access checks and leave the system vulnerable to remote attacks. For more information on these Java APIs please refer to Guideline 9 of The Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming Language.
[1] Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming Language, Version 4.0
Attackers are able to control an argument to the performSelector method which could allow them to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner.

Example 1: A common reason that programmers use the selector API is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a Objective-C command dispatcher that uses reflection to execute an arbitrary method identified by a value read from a custom URL scheme request. This implementation allows an attacker to call any function matching the method signature defined in the UIApplicationDelegate class.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {

NSString *query = [url query];
NSString *pathExt = [url pathExtension];
[self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(pathExt) withObject:query];
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

This situation becomes a doomsday scenario if the attacker may upload files into a location that appears on the application's classpath or add new entries to the application's classpath. Under either of these conditions, the attacker may use reflection to introduce new, presumably malicious, behavior into the application.
Example: A common reason that programmers use the reflection API is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a command dispatcher that does not use reflection:

$ctl = $_GET["ctl"];
$ao = null;
if (ctl->equals("Add")) {
$ao = new AddCommand();
} else if ($ctl.equals("Modify")) {
$ao = new ModifyCommand();
} else {
throw new UnknownActionError();

A programmer might refactor this code to use reflection as follows:

$ctl = $_GET["ctl"];
$args = $_GET["args"];
$cmdClass = new ReflectionClass(ctl . "Command");
$ao = $cmdClass->newInstance($args);

The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher.

However, the refactoring allows an attacker to instantiate any object that implements the Worker interface. If the command dispatcher is still responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new class that implements the Worker interface, they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control code. If they fail to modify the access control code, then some Worker classes will not have any access control.

One way to address this access control problem is to make the Worker object responsible for performing the access control check. An example of the re-refactored code is as follows:

$ctl = $_GET["ctl"];
$args = $_GET["args"];
$cmdClass = new ReflectionClass(ctl . "Command");
$ao = $cmdClass->newInstance($args);

Although this is an improvement, it encourages a decentralized approach to access control, which makes it easier for programmers to make access control mistakes.

This code also highlights another security problem with using reflection to build a command dispatcher. An attacker may invoke the default constructor for any kind of object. In fact, the attacker is not even constrained to objects that implement the Worker interface; the default constructor for any object in the system can be invoked. If the object does not implement the Worker interface, a ClassCastException will be thrown before the assignment to $ao, but if the constructor performs operations that work in the attacker's favor, the damage will have already been done. Although this scenario is relatively benign in simple applications, in larger applications where complexity grows exponentially it is not unreasonable to assume that an attacker could find a constructor to leverage as part of an attack.
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

This situation becomes a doomsday scenario if the attacker may upload files into a location that appears on the application's classpath or add new entries to the application's classpath. Under either of these conditions, the attacker may use reflection to introduce new, presumably malicious, behavior into the application.
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication, bypass access control checks, or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

This situation becomes a doomsday scenario if the attacker may upload files into a location that appears on the application's load path or add new entries to the application's load path. Under either of these conditions, the attacker may use reflection to introduce new, presumably malicious, behavior into the application.
Example: A common reason that programmers use reflection is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a command dispatcher that does not use reflection:

ctl = req['ctl']
if ctl=='add'
elsif ctl=='modify'
raise UnknownCommandError.new

A programmer might refactor this code to use reflection as follows:

ctl = req['ctl']
ctl << "Command"

The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher.

However, the refactoring allows an attacker to run any method ending with the word "Command". If the command dispatcher is still responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new method ending with "Command", they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control code. Even then, common practice when you have multiple methods similarly named can be to either have these dynamically created using define_method(), or may be called via overriding of missing_method(). Auditing and keeping track of these and how access control code is used with these is very difficult, and when considering this would also depend on what other library code is loaded may make this this a near insurmountable task to do correctly in this manner.
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

This situation becomes a doomsday scenario if the attacker may upload files into a location that appears on the application's classpath or add new entries to the application's classpath. Under either of these conditions, the attacker may use reflection to introduce new, presumably malicious, behavior into the application.
Example: A common reason that programmers use the reflection API is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a command dispatcher that uses reflection:

def exec(ctl: String) = Action { request =>
val cmdClass = Platform.getClassForName(ctl + "Command")
Worker ao = (Worker) cmdClass.newInstance()

The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher.

However, the refactoring allows an attacker to instantiate any object that implements the Worker interface. If the command dispatcher is still responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new class that implements the Worker interface, they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control code. If they fail to modify the access control code, then some Worker classes will not have any access control.

One way to address this access control problem is to make the Worker object responsible for performing the access control check. An example of the re-refactored code is as follows:

def exec(ctl: String) = Action { request =>
val cmdClass = Platform.getClassForName(ctl + "Command")
Worker ao = (Worker) cmdClass.newInstance()

Although this is an improvement, it encourages a decentralized approach to access control, which makes it easier for programmers to make access control mistakes.

This code also highlights another security problem with using reflection to build a command dispatcher. An attacker may invoke the default constructor for any kind of object. In fact, the attacker is not even constrained to objects that implement the Worker interface; the default constructor for any object in the system can be invoked. If the object does not implement the Worker interface, a ClassCastException will be thrown before the assignment to ao, but if the constructor performs operations that work in the attacker's favor, the damage will have already been done. Although this scenario is relatively benign in simple applications, in larger applications where complexity grows exponentially it is not unreasonable to assume that an attacker could find a constructor to leverage as part of an attack.

Access checks may also be compromised further down the code execution chain, if certain Java APIs that perform tasks using the immediate caller's class loader check, are invoked on untrusted objects returned by reflection calls. These Java APIs bypass the SecurityManager check that ensures all callers in the execution chain have the requisite security permissions. Care should be taken to ensure these APIs are not invoked on the untrusted objects returned by reflection as they can bypass security access checks and leave the system vulnerable to remote attacks. For more information on these Java APIs please refer to Guideline 9 of The Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming Language.
[1] Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming Language, Version 4.0
Attackers are able to control an argument to the performSelector method which could allow them to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner.

Example 1: A common reason that programmers use the selector API is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a Swift command dispatcher that uses reflection to execute an arbitrary method identified by a value read from a custom URL scheme request. This implementation allows an attacker to call any function matching the method signature defined in the UIApplicationDelegate class.

func application(app: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, options: [String : AnyObject]) -> Bool {
let query = url.query
let pathExt = url.pathExtension
let selector = NSSelectorFromString(pathExt!)
performSelector(selector, withObject:query)
An attacker may be able to create unexpected control flow paths through the application, potentially bypassing security checks.
If an attacker can supply values that the application then uses to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, the potential exists for the attacker to create control flow paths through the application that were not intended by the application developers. This attack vector may allow the attacker to bypass authentication or access control checks or otherwise cause the application to behave in an unexpected manner. Even the ability to control the arguments passed to a given method or constructor may give a wily attacker the edge necessary to mount a successful attack.

Example: A common reason that programmers utilize CallByName is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a command dispatcher that does not utilize the CallByName function:

Dim ctl As String
Dim ao As new Worker
ctl = Request.Form("ctl")
If String.Compare(ctl,"Add") = 0 Then
ao.DoAddCommand Request
Else If String.Compare(ctl,"Modify") = 0 Then
ao.DoModifyCommand Request
App.EventLog "No Action Found", 4
End If

A programmer might refactor this code to use reflection as follows:

Dim ctl As String
Dim ao As Worker
ctl = Request.Form("ctl")
CallByName ao, ctl, vbMethod, Request

The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher.

However, the refactoring allows an attacker to invoke any method implemented by the Worker object. If the command dispatcher is still responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new method within the Worker class, they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control code. If they fail to modify the access control code, then some Worker methods will not have any access control.

One way to address this access control problem is to make the Worker object responsible for performing the access control check. An example of the re-refactored code is as follows:

Dim ctl As String
Dim ao As Worker
ctl = Request.Form("ctl")
If ao.checkAccessControl(ctl,Request) = True Then
CallByName ao, "Do" & ctl & "Command", vbMethod, Request
End If

Although this is an improvement, it encourages a decentralized approach to access control, which makes it easier for programmers to make access control mistakes.
Using XML parsers that are not configured to prevent or limit external entities resolution can expose the parser to an XML External Entities attack
XML External Entities attacks benefit from an XML feature to build documents dynamically at the time of processing. An XML entity allows to include data dynamically from a given resource. External entities allow an XML document to include data from an external URI. Unless configured to do otherwise, external entities force the XML parser to access the resource specified by the URI, e.g., a file on the local machine or on a remote systems. This behavior exposes the application to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks, which can be used to perform denial of service of the local system, gain unauthorized access to files on the local machine, scan remote machines, and perform denial of service of remote systems.

The following XML document shows an example of an XXE attack.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///c:/winnt/win.ini" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

This example could disclose the contents of the C:\winnt\win.ini system file, if the XML parser attempts to substitute the entity with the contents of the file.
[1] XML Denial of Service Attacks and Defenses MSDN Magazine
[2] XML External Entity (XXE) Processing OWASP
[3] Testing for XML Injection OWASP
[4] XML External Entities The Web Application Security Consortium
The identified method allows external entity references. This call could allow an attacker to inject an XML external entity into the XML document to reveal the contents of files or internal network resources.
XML External Entity (XXE) injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an <ENTITY> element of the DTD (Document Type Definition) in an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert nested entity references and cause an XML parser consume ever increasing amounts of CPU resources. In more nefarious cases of XML external entity injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that expose the contents of local file system resources or reveal the existence of internal network resources.

Example 1:Here is some Objective-C code that is vulnerable to XXE attacks:

- (void) parseSomeXML: (NSString *) rawXml {

BOOL success;
NSData *rawXmlConvToData = [rawXml dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSXMLParser *myParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:rawXmlConvToData];
[myParser setShouldResolveExternalEntities:YES];
[myParser setDelegate:self];

Assume an attacker is able to control rawXml such that the XML looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///c:/boot.ini" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

When the XML is evaluated by the server, the <foo> element will contain the contents of the boot.ini file.
Using XML parsers that are not configured to prevent or limit external entities resolution can expose the parser to an XML External Entities attack
XML External Entities attacks benefit from an XML feature to build documents dynamically at the time of processing. An XML entity allows inclusion of data dynamically from a given resource. External entities allow an XML document to include data from an external URI. Unless configured to do otherwise, external entities force the XML parser to access the resource specified by the URI, e.g., a file on the local machine or on a remote system. This behavior exposes the application to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks, which can be used to perform denial of service of the local system, gain unauthorized access to files on the local machine, scan remote machines, and perform denial of service of remote systems.

The following XML document shows an example of an XXE attack.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///dev/random" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

This example could crash the server (on a UNIX system), if the XML parser attempts to substitute the entity with the contents of the /dev/random file.
[1] XML External Entity (XXE) Processing OWASP
[2] Testing for XML Injection OWASP
[3] XML External Entities The Web Application Security Consortium
[4] IDS17-J. Prevent XML External Entity Attacks CERT
[5] DOS-1: Beware of activities that may use disproportionate resources Oracle
[6] INJECT-5: Restrict XML inclusion Oracle
Using XML processors that do not prevent or limit external entities resolution can expose the application to an XML External Entity attack.
XML External Entity attacks benefit from an XML feature to dynamically build documents at runtime. An XML entity allows inclusion of data dynamically from a given resource. External entities allow an XML document to include data from an external URI. Unless configured to do otherwise, external entities force the XML parser to access the resource specified by the URI, such as a file on the local machine or on a remote system. This behavior exposes the application to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks, which enables attackers to perform denial of service of the local system, gain unauthorized access to files on the local machine, scan remote machines, and perform denial of service of remote systems.

Example 1: The following XML document shows an example of an XXE attack.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///dev/random" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

This example could crash the server (on a UNIX system) if the XML parser attempts to substitute the entity with the contents of the /dev/random file.
The identified method allows external entity references. This call could allow an attacker to inject an XML external entity into the XML document to reveal the contents of files or internal network resources.
XML External Entity (XXE) injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an <ENTITY> element of the DTD (Document Type Definition) in an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert nested entity references and cause an XML parser consume ever increasing amounts of CPU resources. In more nefarious cases of XML external entity injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that expose the contents of local file system resources or reveal the existence of internal network resources.

Example 1:Here is some code that is vulnerable to XXE attacks:

- (void) parseSomeXML: (NSString *) rawXml {

BOOL success;
NSData *rawXmlConvToData = [rawXml dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSXMLParser *myParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:rawXmlConvToData];
[myParser setShouldResolveExternalEntities:YES];
[myParser setDelegate:self];

Assume an attacker is able to control rawXml such that the XML looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///c:/boot.ini" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

When the XML is evaluated by the server, the <foo> element will contain the contents of the boot.ini file.
Processing an unvalidated XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML, port scan the host server or host scan the internal network, include arbitrary files from the file system, or cause a denial of service of the application.
XML External Entity (XXE) injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert nested entity references and cause an XML parser to consume ever increasing amounts of CPU resources. In more nefarious cases of XML external entity injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that expose the contents of local file system resources, reveal the existence of internal network resources or expose backend content itself.

Example 1: Here is some code that is vulnerable to XXE attacks:

Assume an attacker is able to control the input XML to the following code:

$goodXML = $_GET["key"];
$doc = simplexml_load_string($goodXml);
echo $doc->testing;

Now suppose that the following XML is passed by the attacker to the code in Example 2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///c:/boot.ini" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

When the XML is processed, the content of the <foo> element is populated with the contents of the system's boot.ini file. The attacker may utilize XML elements which are returned to the client to exfiltrate data or obtain information as to the existence of network resources.
Using XML processors that do not prevent or limit external entities resolution can expose the application to XML External Entities attacks.
XML External Entities attacks benefit from an XML feature to dynamically build documents at runtime. An XML entity allows inclusion of data dynamically from a given resource. External entities allow an XML document to include data from an external URI. Unless configured to do otherwise, external entities force the XML parser to access the resource specified by the URI, such as a file on the local machine or on a remote system. This behavior exposes the application to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks, which attackers can use to perform denial of service of the local system, gain unauthorized access to files on the local machine, scan remote machines, and perform denial of service of remote systems.

Example 1: The following XML document shows an example of an XXE attack.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///dev/random" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

This example could crash the server (on a UNIX system), if the XML parser attempts to substitute the entity with the contents of the /dev/random file.
[1] XML vulnerabilities
[2] Announcing defusedxml, Fixes for XML Security Issues
[3] defusedxml
[4] defusedexpat
[5] XML External Entity (XXE) Processing OWASP
[6] Testing for XML Injection (OWASP-DV-008) OWASP
[7] XML External Entities The Web Application Security Consortium
Using XML parsers that are not configured to prevent or limit external entities resolution can expose the parser to an XML External Entities attack
XML External Entities attacks benefit from an XML feature to build documents dynamically at the time of processing. An XML entity allows inclusion of data dynamically from a given resource. External entities allow an XML document to include data from an external URI. Unless configured to do otherwise, external entities force the XML parser to access the resource specified by the URI, e.g., a file on the local machine or on a remote system. This behavior exposes the application to XML External Entity (XXE) attacks, which can be used to perform denial of service of the local system, gain unauthorized access to files on the local machine, scan remote machines, and perform denial of service of remote systems.

The following XML document shows an example of an XXE attack.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

The example XML document will read the contents of /etc/passwd and include them into the document.

Example 1: The following code uses an insecure XML parser to process untrusted input from an HTTP request.

def readFile() = Action { request =>
val xml = request.cookies.get("doc")
val doc = XMLLoader.loadString(xml)
[1] XML External Entity (XXE) Processing OWASP
[2] Testing for XML Injection OWASP
[3] XML External Entities The Web Application Security Consortium
[4] IDS17-J. Prevent XML External Entity Attacks CERT
[5] DOS-1: Beware of activities that may use disproportionate resources Oracle
[6] INJECT-5: Restrict XML inclusion Oracle
The identified method allows external entity references. This call could allow an attacker to inject an XML external entity into the XML document to reveal the contents of files or internal network resources.
XML External Entity (XXE) injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an <ENTITY> element of the DTD (Document Type Definition) in an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert nested entity references and cause an XML parser consume ever increasing amounts of CPU resources. In more nefarious cases of XML external entity injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that expose the contents of local file system resources or reveal the existence of internal network resources.

Example 1:Here is some code that is vulnerable to XXE attacks:

func parseXML(xml: String) {
parser = NSXMLParser(data: rawXml.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)
parser.delegate = self
parser.shouldResolveExternalEntities = true

Assume an attacker is able to control rawXml contents such that the XML looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///c:/boot.ini" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

When the XML is evaluated by the server, the <foo> element will contain the contents of the boot.ini file.
[1] XML External Entity (XXE) Processing OWASP
[2] Testing for XML Injection OWASP
[3] XML External Entities The Web Application Security Consortium
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to send sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can even lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
The identified method writes unvalidated XML input. This call could allow an attacker to inject arbitrary elements or attributes into the XML document.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can enable an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker can insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker can add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. Sometimes XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker can control shoes in following XML:


Now suppose this XML is included in a back-end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
[1] IDS16-J. Prevent XML Injection CERT
[2] INJECT-3: XML and HTML generation requires care Oracle
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker can control shoes in the following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


This may allow an attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
The identified method writes unvalidated XML input. This call could allow an attacker to inject arbitrary elements or attributes into the XML document.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using XML parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.

A more serious form of this attack called XML External Entity (XXE) injection can occur when the attacker controls the front or all of the parsed XML document.

Example 2: Here is some code that is vulnerable to XXE attacks:

Assume an attacker is able to control the input XML to the following code:

$goodXML = $_GET["key"];
$doc = simplexml_load_string($goodXml);
echo $doc->testing;

Now suppose that the following XML is passed by the attacker to the code in Example 2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///c:/boot.ini" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>

When the XML is processed, the content of the <foo> element is populated with the contents of the system's boot.ini file. The attacker may utilize XML elements which are returned to the client to exfiltrate data or obtain information as to the existence of network resources.
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML. Parsing unvalidated XML can result in denial of service, exposure of sensitive information, and even remote code execution.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document or parsed as XML.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
[1] Introduction to Software Security: XML Injection Atacks University of Wisconsin-Madison
[2] Exploitation: XML External Entity (XXE) Injection Depth Security
Writing unvalidated data into an XML document can allow an attacker to change the structure and contents of the XML. Parsing unvalidated XML can result in denial of service, exposure of sensitive information, and even remote code execution.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document or parsed as XML.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.
[1] IDS16-J. Prevent XML Injection CERT
[2] INJECT-3: XML and HTML generation requires care Oracle
The identified method writes unvalidated XML input. This call could allow an attacker to inject arbitrary elements or attributes into the XML document.
XML injection occurs when:

1. Data enters a program from an untrusted source.

2. The data is written to an XML document.

Applications typically use XML to store data or send messages. When used to store data, XML documents are often treated like databases and can potentially contain sensitive information. XML messages are often used in web services and can also be used to transmit sensitive information. XML messages can even be used to send authentication credentials.

The semantics of XML documents and messages can be altered if an attacker has the ability to write raw XML. In the most benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous tags and cause an XML parser to throw an exception. In more nefarious cases of XML injection, an attacker may be able to add XML elements that change authentication credentials or modify prices in an XML e-commerce database. In some cases, XML injection can lead to cross-site scripting or dynamic code evaluation.

Example 1:

Assume an attacker is able to control shoes in the following XML.


Now suppose this XML is included in a back end web service request to place an order for a pair of shoes. Suppose the attacker modifies his request and replaces shoes with shoes</item><price>1.00</price><item>shoes. The new XML would look like:


When using SAX parsers, the value from the second <price> overrides the value from the first <price> tag. This allows the attacker to purchase a pair of $100 shoes for $1.